Chicken Bone Broth Kit
Chicken Bone Broth Kit
Chicken Bone Broth Kit
Eggleston Farm Fresh Foods

Chicken Bone Broth Kit

Regular price $6.25 Sale price $7.00

Bone Broth often used to cook vegetables in, used as bases for various sauces, soups, and gravies, and consumed for multiple health reasons. Kit makes about 2 to 3 batches depending on consumption process. 


  • Acts as a natural anti-ager
  • Gut and digestive health
  • Contains natural magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium, essential for bone strength
  • Joint protection and pain reliever
  • Contains natural glycine, found to improve sleep and reduce fatigue
  • Natural liver detoxifier
  • Hormone balance
  • Helps boost immune function

How To Make:

Bone broth made by adding cold water and any desired herbs, and legumes. Bring to a slow boil; reduce heat until mixture is just at a simmer. Simmer uncovered for 3-4 hours, skimming foam as necessary. Let cool; strain broth and refrigerate for 8 hours or overnight. Skim fat from surface. Bone broth kit  can make 2-3 batches.

All Eggleston Farms product is. . .

  • Kentucky Proud
  • Pasture Raised, Free- Range Chicken
  • Antibiotic Free and Hormone Free
  • Non-GMO
  • Raised with Care